This is an electronic compendium to the 2024 Ohio Gun Collectors Association’s (“OGCA”) display at the National Rifle Association (“NRA”) National Meetings in Dallas, Texas, May 17-19. The display entitled “Rifles by J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co. 1892-1916” features the collection of noted firearms collector Joe Carter. This compendium depicts and expounds upon the firearms and accoutrements of the display and gives additional information regarding the development of the rifles. This display, the information set forth in this compendium, and the information contained in the attached references present a complete overview of the subject. OGCA and Mr. Carter, hope you find this information interesting.

A very special thank you to Tom Rowe. Tom contributed the photography
in this brochure coming from his authoritative books: Stevens
Target Rifles 1875-1915, Tom Rowe & Ralph Hemstalk; Stevens-Pope
Vol 1-3, Warren Greatbatch & Tom Rowe, and several other books focused
on single shot rifles. Tom is passionate about single shot rifles
and may be reached at or (865) 207 6026 for
copies of his books.