This is an electronic compendium to the 2023 Ohio Gun Collectors Association’s (“OGCA”) display at the National Rifle Association (“NRA”) National Meetings in Indianapolis, Indiana, April 14-16. The display entitled “19th Century Semiautomatic Pistols” features the collection of noted firearms expert Dr. Leonardo M. Antaris. The display presents virtually every semiautomatic pistol that went into production and was presented for testing in military trials before 1900, along with several variations. This compendium depicts and expounds upon the firearms and accoutrements of the display, and gives additional information regarding the development of the pistols and their manufacture. Also provided are links to authoritative videos regarding these firearms. This display, the information set forth in this compendium, and the information contained in the video links, presents a complete overview on the subject of 19th Century Semiautomatic Pistols. OGCA and Dr. Antaris, hope you find this information interesting.