How to Update or Replace Membership Badges

REPLACING A LOST BADGE: If you have lost your Membership Badge, you can get a replacement at the meeting at the Member Services/Dues Desk. Bring your wallet card or a photo I.D. There is no charge for replacing the paper badge insert, but all rigid plastic replacement badges including Family, Life, Regular and Probationary are $5.00 each. (Hold onto your badge!)

TEMPORARY BADGE: those members who have forgotten their Membership Badge can obtain a Temporary Badge good only for the meeting at which they are issued for a $3.00 fee. Visit the Member Services/Dues Desk at the meeting.

FAMILY BADGE REMINDER: Spouses of members, their children and grandchildren 17 and under do not need a Guest Pass! – Members bring them to the Member Services Desk with you and we will register them for a Family Badge. They must be with you for their first badge. Once they register in person, we will automatically print a badge insert at the time of the member’s renewal.

Types of OGCA Badges

Probationary blacked out badge

PROBATIONARY MEMBER BADGE: Blue Badge with white lettering and a paper insert on which is printed the member’s name, membership number and the year through which dues are paid. (A Probationary Member becomes a Regular Member one year after approval as a Probationary Member.) It is the responsibility of a Probationary Member to exchange the Probationary Badge for a Regular Members Badge at the Member Service Desk during a meeting. Probationary Members may not sponsor a new member until their probation has been served.

REGULAR MEMBER BADGE: White Badge with blue lettering and paper insert on which is printed the member’s name, membership number and year through which dues are paid. Silver Badge for 25 or more years; and Gold for 50 or more years of membership. Members may request a Silver or Gold Regular Badge at the Member Services Desk upon 25 or 50 years of membership.

Life member blacked out badge

LIFE MEMBER BADGE: Engraved badge indicating the member’s name, membership number and life member status. Life Badges are mailed to the member after they become a life member and typically arrive in 4-6 weeks. They include: White Badge with blue lettering for those with up to 25 years of continuous membership; Silver Badge for 25 or more years; and Gold for 50 or more years. Life Members may request a Silver or Gold Life Badge at the Member Services Desk upon 25 or 50 years of membership.

Family Member Blacked Out Badge

FAMILY BADGE: White Badge with red lettering and paper insert on which will be printed the family member’s name, the member’s membership number, followed by an “S” for spouse, “C” for child, or “G” for grandchild and the year through which dues are paid by the member. Family Badges are issued only to the spouse, children and grandchildren less than eighteen (18) years of age at the Member Services Desk while at a meeting.