Renting Tables

Renting Table space has many fringe benefits including letting thousands of fellow members know what you collect, make or trade. Plus, many lifelong friendships have been built among neighboring tableholders and attendees.

You will find just about everything you need to know about the nuts-and-bolts of renting table space on this page. If you have questions, please contact the business office, or visit an officer, past president or director at the meeting (simply look for the orange flags).

How to Reserve Tables
Table Cancelation Policy
Regular Tables vs. Annual Tables vs. Co-share Tables
How to Receive a Table Confirmation
Setting up your table(s) including Set-up Hours
Permitted Items
Rules For Tableholders
FAQs on Renting Tables

How to Reserve Tables

Regular tables at a meeting are $95 each and members may apply for table(s) by any of the following convenient methods:

  • Online via payment by credit card through our secure Members Only Portal Annual Table Registration OR Trade Table Registration (Visa, MasterCard or Discover).
  • By mail. Download a table application here. Fill out, sign the Safety Guarantee and submit with payment to the OGCA address on bottom of form. Pay by credit card or check payable to “OGCA.”
  • In person at the Tables Desk for the next 2 upcoming meetings. Cash, credit card or check.
  • Phone (330) 467-5733 or fax (330) 467-5793 with a credit card.

Safety Guarantee Renting table space requires your agreement to the Safety Guarantee including compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws. It can be signed online when renting tables online, or by signing the back of the downloadable Table Application. For the convenience of members reserving via phone, the Safety Guarantee can be signed once.

Table Cancelation Policy

If you are unable to occupy your table(s) you must notify OGCA via email, or phone (330) 467-5733 (you may leave a voice mail). To receive a refund or credit to the next meeting, notice of cancellation of a “regular” table must be received by the Business Office eight (8) days prior to the meeting. Any changes for a particular meeting will be stated on your table confirmation.

Annual Tableholders are entitled to (only) one refund per year when canceled 8 days prior. Annual Tables can only be refunded (they can’t be transferred to next year). Annual Table cancelations exceeding one meeting can be donated to OGCA/ SAF Youth Grant Funds or returned to OGCA at your discretion.

If notification is not given by the cut-off deadline (8 days prior to the meeting) you forfeit the table rent, as OGCA has already incurred costs including table rental from the facility. Cancelations received past the deadline can be donated to OGCA/ SAF Youth Grant Funds or returned to OGCA at your discretion. If you would like to appeal this policy you may petition the president in writing by email, mail or fax indicating why you were unable to attend.

Regular Tables vs. Annual Tables vs. Co-share Tables

Regular Table Reservations: Members may reserve tables for up to two consecutive meetings at a time at $95 per table. For example, at or after the January meeting, members may rent tables for either or both of the next two meetings (typically March and May).

Annual Tables: Save time and money by reserving your tables on an annual basis for either all seven 2025 meetings or all five 2025 Roberts Convention Centre (RCC) meetings. You will pay only $80.00 per table per meeting for the whole year. For example, $80 per table x 5 RCC meetings in 2025 is $400 which is a savings of $80 per year, per table. This option opens in September for the following year and can be done online, in person, by mail, fax or phone. (For best table placement reserve in the Fall.)

Co-Share and Annual Co-Share Tables: Two members may share a table with Friday trading privileges for both members. The cost to Co-Share is a flat fee of $20 on top of the table rental fee no matter how many tables are shared. For “Annual Co-Share” the fee is $20 per meeting x all seven 2025 meetings = $140. For all five Roberts Centre meetings = $100 Annual Co-Share fee. The Annual Co-Share fee is on top of the Annual table rental fee. A “Tableholder Pass” will be issued for each member, but no “Helper Pass” will be issued. Each individual will share responsibility of the table(s) and both will have trading privileges during set-up times. This option is not available online. Please request a Co-Share form or Annual Co-Share form in person at the Tables Desk, at or (330) 467-5733. Co-share tables cannot be ordered online. Following are some common questions regarding Co-Share tables.

Q: Is there any way for my Helper to be able to purchase from others during set up?

A: If you and your Helper are sharing the rights and responsibilities of being a Tableholder, you may Co-Share a table and both of you will have trading privileges during set-up. This requires a different table application and an additional fee of $20 per meeting.

Q: Why didn’t I get a Helpers Pass.

A: Those members Co-Sharing a table are each other’s Helpers. Each of you received a Table Pass, but neither received a Helpers Badge.

Q: Can I rent a table myself and then rent a Co-Share table with someone else?

A: No, once you rent a Co-Share table all tables you rent become Co-Shared tables and no additional Helper Passes are issued.

How to Receive a Table Confirmation

If we receive your Table Reservation and payment 14 days prior to the meeting, we will mail your Table Confirmation to you indicating your table assignment. Otherwise, simply pick it up in person at the meeting. The Table Confirmation (except for co-share tables) includes one “Tableholder Pass” and one “Helper Pass” that allows for entry during set-up time when worn in addition to an OGCA membership badge. Clear plastic holders are available upon arrival. Your Helper must be an OGCA Member or OGCA Family Member (with a current Family Badge). Exceptions may be made for disabled Tableholders who have made arrangements in advance with the Business Office.

The Helper Pass does not confer trading privileges during set-up. During set-up the member who is the Helper is only allowed entry to assist the Tableholder with set-up.

Table Requests

If you have special requests such as to be “next to” or “back-to-back” with a friend, mark it on your Table Application or let us know. We do our best to honor all requests, but we cannot guarantee a specific table location. Keep in mind that there is a waiting list for certain tables including end caps and wall tables. Following are some common table location questions and answers:

Q: Can you guarantee that I will have a specific table location when I rent my table?

A: We cannot guarantee a specific table location, but requests are welcome, and we always do our best to accommodate members. There are many variables that go into table assignments. Those reserving tables on an annual basis almost always have their regular spot. If you would like to be on a waiting list for a specific location and are a regular, repeat tableholder contact the Business Manager at or (330) 467-5733.

Q: I want my table to be next to someone. Is that possible?

A: We are often able to accommodate requests for friends to be together. Let us know the name of the person you are looking to be by (or near). When possible, have your friend do the same. Note: If your friend is always in the same spot and there are no open tables near him/her we can accommodate you both in another spot, but make sure your friend is aware that they may be moved.

Q: Do I get electricity when I reserve a table?

A: No, electricity is only available at certain wall tables. (We currently have a waiting list for wall tables.)

Setting up your table(s)

Set up hours are Friday 3:00 p.m. till 9:00 pm, Saturday 7:00 am – 8:30 am and Sunday 7:30 – 8:30 am. When you arrive, your table will be labeled with your name, the meeting date, and table number. There are no carts available at the facility and you are welcome to bring your own cart. Chairs are available. If you need more than 2 chairs you may want to bring them along. Bring your own table covers and cover up cloths. The space rented includes the table top and the space directly beneath it. It does not include the aisles in the front or at the end of the table. No table display may be set up in an unsafe manner. This includes the height of exhibits.

Permitted Items

  1. Advertisements for auctions not to occupy more than ½ of one table.
  2. Advertising material – firearms, ammunition, knives, and/or firearms accessory, manufacturer’s advertising materials and memorabilia manufactured at least 35 years ago.
  3. Authentic American Indian Artifacts, trade silver, copper, shell, bone, beads, stone and clay items of proven pre-20th century origin.
  4. Ammunition: non-armor piercing or non-incendiary and related items for hand or shoulder arms only:
  5. Inert artillery projectiles and cases
  6. Reloading presses, bullet molds, dies, and other user related items, unless otherwise specified herein.
  7. Reloaded ammunition provided ammunition is in a sealed box with the name, address, and phone number of reloader properly displayed on each box indicating the loading information. (Reloader will assume all liability of his loading and will hold OGCA Officers, Directors, Members and Guests free of all liability from his/her sale of reloaded ammunition.)
  8. Ammunition in stripper clips or in Enbloc clips must be in the original packing containers. No loose ammunition.
  9. Antique weapons and armor.
  10. Belt buckles – original military belt buckles manufactured at least 35 years ago.
  11. Belts – leather or web, military or western.
  12. Bone, ivory, horn and other material (in amounts approved by OGCA) used in the manufacture of knives.
  13. Books – new and used books, literature, photographs, and publications relating to weapons, shooting, small arms, ammunition, wars, regimental histories and battles; excluding books pertaining to suppressors or other materials attachments or proposed modifications that would alter the manufactured firearm’s use to become one not in conformity with the law.
  14. Bronzes, busts, sculptures, and statues depicting military or gun-related situations.
  15. Canvas goods – gun cases, belts, cartridge pouches.
  16. Club insignia approved by OGCA
  17. Cap guns manufactured at least 35 years ago.
  18. Carvings – portraying weapons or armor.
  19. Compasses – military or hunting only.
  20. Displays – that are no higher than 6 ft. from the floor.
  21. Edged weapons defined as those customarily used as weapons. They include authentic replicas of same such as tomahawks, axes, bowie knives, custom-made knives, folding pocket and sheath knives.
  22. Flags – authentic war souvenirs only on trade tables for display or sale, not to be used as table covers.
  23. Gas masks – military only manufactured at least 35 years ago.
  24. Gun related items:
  25. Accessories and attachments for small arms, including sights, carrying cases, slings and cleaning equipment.
  26. Personal equipment used in shooting, including spotting scopes, binoculars, targets, target scoring devises, score books, bullet traps and other related items provided their primary purpose is for shooting.
  27. Parts for small arms (no class III parts unless transferred legally) including material for manufacture of parts for small arms. No accessories or parts to simulate full automatic fire.
  28. Tools or small machinery peculiar to and primarily for the use, maintenance, repair, examination or production of small arms.
  29. Gun magazines and clips – (empty).
  30. Ivory – pre 1898 depicting arms related scenes.
  31. Military items – proven military items – drums, bugles, armor, canteens, and mess kits manufactured at least 35 years ago, bearing military inspection or acceptance markings.
  32. Miniature weapons.
  33. Mortars – manufactured prior to 1946.
  34. Patches – proven military division and unit patches, decorations, badges, rank and insignia manufactured at least 35 years ago, and displayed in a neat and orderly fashion.
  35. Pellet / air guns.
  36. Percussion caps, primers and smokeless powder. All items to be in original, unopened packaging.
  37. Photographs depicting military or firearms and/or their use at least 35 years ago.
  38. Plaques – depicting military and/or firearms and their use only.
  39. Pouches – military pouches – manufactured at least 35 years ago.
  40. Safes – gun safes only.
  41. Shooting awards and shooting trophies.
  42. Concealed carry holsters, vests, handbags or purses when used exclusively for said purpose.
  43. Shovels & picks – military only manufactured at least 35 years ago.
  44. Small arms intended to be fired from the hand or shoulder by a single individual which are in compliance with all Federal, State and local Laws.
  45. Sporting collectables – antique decoys, calls, hunting licenses not to exceed 1/3 of one table.
  46. Steins – military or shooting only manufactured at least 35 years ago.
  47. Trench/military art manufactured at least 35 years ago.
  48. Uniforms – proven military uniforms and headgear manufactured at least 35 years ago and displayed in a neat and orderly fashion.
  49. Watches – military, Colt or Winchester only.
  50. Western memorabilia manufactured prior to 1898 and not to exceed 1/3 of one table.
  51. Suppressors – only completed and ATF registered suppressors are permitted. All N. F. A. rules must be followed. See Second Vice President for written permission prior to displaying.
  52. Owners of items to be registered under the Gun Control Act of 1968, Title III, must have proof of legal ownership immediately available for inspection by appropriate authorities. Any member planning to display items classified as “machine guns” must request written prior permission from the Second Vice President prior to bringing the material into the hall. Permission must be obtained for each meeting. Each request must be signed by the member/owner. Machine guns/ weapons that weigh more than 250 pounds total weight, including the mounting, shall not be displayed on a table.

If an item is not listed on the Permitted Exhibits list, it is a prohibited article. Request for exception may be presented to the Second Vice President. Members wishing to display items having significant educational value of collector interest, which do not fall under the current OGCA guidelines for permitted exhibits, may make written application to the Second Vice President requesting permission to display such items prior to the meeting desired. Such application shall be reviewed by the Screening and Enforcement Committee and an appropriate recommendation shall be made by the Board of Directors.

Rules For Tableholders

No loaded firearms or loaded magazines/clips (including loaded Concealed Carry Weapons/CCWs) will be permitted in any OGCA meeting at any time by anyone other than law enforcement and authorized security personnel.

All firearms, Pellet Guns, and BB Guns other than those which are fully disassembled, must be checked, cleared, and secured to make the firearm(s) inoperable using plastic ties and methods recommended by the OGCA prior to the firearm(s) being displayed, offered for sale or trade. Such ties shall be made available to the membership for a nominal fee at each meeting typically in the lobby.

The term “firearms” includes, but is not limited to, those of the percussion, breechloading, air, spring-type, and/or any such device from which a projectile can be expelled.

All firearms must have the magazines/clips emptied and removed before entering the building, before being offered for sale, trade or being put on display. This includes modern cartridge firearms and primitive, cap, tape or flint action systems. These firearms shall be inspected and guaranteed empty by tableholder or owner that is displaying said arms. Air Guns or spring-operated items must be deemed empty and must be appropriately tied to disable arm.

No loose ammunition will be allowed at any OGCA meeting (exempted will be collector cartridges and shells). All ammunition must be in an original box, sealed container, plastic bag or comparable container, or under cover – i.e. in a lidded showcase.

No black powder will be permitted in the meeting.

No books will be displayed or offered at the meeting which describes the fabrication of devices which, if the device described were possessed by an individual would constitute a felony under the laws of the United States of America or under the laws of the state of Ohio or municipality where the meeting is being held. This prohibition includes racial, ethnic, sexist, any hate-mongering material of any type or any other material which are objected to by OGCA.

No explosive ordnance, destructive devices, parts designed specifically to convert semi-automatic firearms to simulate full automatic fire, or anti-personnel sprays will be permitted to be displayed or offered for sale at the meeting.

Since OGCA meetings are advertised as family events, no pornographic materials or items with obscene language or graphics including T-shirts, banners, magazines, videos, bumper stickers or other items which could be considered to be offensive to families or which are objectionable to OGCA are permitted. Items that are questionable shall be determined by the Chairman of the Screening and Enforcement Committee who will determine their suitability. The Chairman’s decision with respect to such item or items shall be final.

Observe all Federal, State, and local laws relevant to possession, transfer and sale, or transfer of firearms. Read and observe all signage regarding Meeting Rules, ATF guidelines, including “ATF Gun Meeting Guidelines.”

Exhibitors are to make only factual representations regarding the quality and authenticity of the items which they display and sell at the meeting. OGCA does not guarantee the authenticity of any firearm or object sold at its meetings.

Where possible, all bolts and actions will be open. If it is necessary to test trigger pull, all dry firing will be directed to the ceiling, but only after two (2) members have confirmed that the chamber is empty.

No commercial banners or signs may be displayed above the table. No flags (regardless of nationality) may be displayed above the table, and flags shall not be used as table covers.

Carts are not permitted on the floor until 2 p.m. Sunday afternoon. Violators will be subject to penalties assessed by the Chairman of The Security and Enforcement Committee.

Automatic penalties apply to anyone in violation of bringing in a loaded gun or magazine, including a pellet or BB gun. Members will be removed from the building and placed on an automatic one-year suspension. If a guest brings a loaded firearm/magazine, he/she will be immediately banned for life, and the sponsor of that guest will be suspended for a period of up to one year, the duration of the suspension of the sponsor shall be determined by Second Vice President

Tables are assigned to members for their personal use to display their own firearms or permitted items. Members may share their assigned tables with family and friends on a limited and reasonable basis, but not to the extent of any substantial surrender of their own use. Tableholders may not sell, sublease, transfer, assign, or otherwise create any use or occupancy rights in others. If a member cannot personally occupy and use his assigned tables they must notify the business office.

FAQ – Renting Table Space

Q: Is the hall open to all members on Fridays?

A: No. Friday is set-up day and only Tableholders and their table Helper (must be a member) are permitted.

Q: How many Helper Passes do I get if I have more than one table?

A: One table Helper Pass is issued per Tableholder (not per table). (Except Co-shares.)

Q: Can my guest be my table Helper?

A: No. A table Helper must be a member or badge-wearing spouse/child/grandchild. Exceptions may be made for disabled tableholders, but you must make prior arrangements with the business office at or (330) 467-5733.

Q: How many Helpers can I have to help me set up my tables?

A: You are allowed one Helper (no matter how many tables you have) and the Helper must be a member, spouse or your minor child or grandchild.

Q: Can my Helper purchase from other Tableholders during set up?

A: No, Helpers are permitted in the hall during set up to help you and man your table while you are away during set up.

Q: At what time must my tables be open?

A: All tables are to be uncovered by 8:30 am both Saturday and Sunday and available for members to view until the meeting closes at 5:00 pm on Saturday and 2 pm on Sunday.

Q: What time can I vacate my tables?

A: Meeting hours are from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm on Saturday and 8:30 am to 2:00 pm on Sunday. The Second Vice President may approve early exit for special circumstances. Contact OGCA in advance whenever possible or inform the Second Vice President or security in the event of a true emergency.

Q: When will I receive my table confirmation?

A: Table confirmations are mailed two weeks prior to the set-up day of the meeting. Table rentals received less than 14 days prior are held for pickup in person at the hall.

Q: What is the cost to rent a table?

A: The cost to rent a single table is $95 per meeting. Display-only tables for special events are sometimes reduced, including for the Annual Display Meeting. See also Annual Tables.

Q: How many tables can I rent for one meeting?

A: You can rent up to 8 tables per individual.

Q: Am I allowed to take photos inside the OGCA Meeting Hall?

A: No. Photographs and recording devices of any kind are strictly prohibited without permission from the President. This includes photos with cell phone cameras.

Q: Do I get electricity when I reserve a table?

A: No, electricity is only available to certain wall tables. We currently have a waiting list for wall tables.