Director Nomination forms are available to members at the March membership meeting from the First Vice President.  Applicants for nomination to the Board must submit an application and all required documentation to the Nominating Committee by the closing of the May meeting.

ELIGIBILITY: Candidates for Director must satisfy the following:

  1. Be a U.S. citizen and a proven legal resident of the state of Ohio.
  2. Have at least five consecutive years of OGCA membership at time of application.
  3. Submit forms, photographs and documentation as required by the Nominating Committee at the times required.

Each applicant who satisfies the eligibility requirements shall be scheduled for an interview with the Committee.  The Committee will evaluate each applicant’s qualifications, and then by majority vote, recommend to the Board of Directors in formal session which Applicants should be accepted as Nominees.  The Board shall consider the recommendations and accept or reject each one by majority vote.  At least twenty (20) days prior to the Annual Membership Meeting, the Board shall submit to the membership a list of accepted nominees accompanied by a biographical sketch of each Candidate.

Members cast ballots for the nominees at the last regular meeting of the year. Those candidates receiving the most votes shall be declared elected to the posted Directorships.

How to Vote in the Director Elections

All regular and probationary members may cast ballots for the nominees for the OGCA Board of Directors on the Saturday of the last regular meeting of the year.  Vote in person during election hours typically 8:30 am until 3:00 PM.